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The New Moon in Virgo is the Clean Slate You’ve Been Waiting For

With tabula rasa, what will you manifest in the upcoming lunar cycle?

The New Moon in Virgo is the Clean Slate You’ve Been Waiting For

The New Moon always represents a clean slate. It’s a time when our inner world gets a chance to express itself outwardly. This moon phase is traditionally thought to be the most fertile soil to plant wishes with the greatest chance of materializing. Because the moon appears dark to us, all senses are heightened and intentions vibrate at a higher frequency.

After Venus’s long retrograde, many of us reevaluated our nuanced relationships with finances, friendship, and love. Now that Venus moved direct at the beginning of the month, the results of those choices are amplified even bigger. We are taking a look at our overall expansion as a planet, challenging old belief systems, and creating a new worldview. In doing so, we’re realizing our innate ability to achieve success.

Mercury, the planet of critical thinking and communication, hovers stationary before moving direct after a three-week retrograde. Mercury is at home in Virgo so this placement makes its influence very powerful now. We are being called to use the pragmatic and organizational energy of Virgo season to simplify our lives and streamline what’s actually needed to achieve the goals we’ve already set in motion. Virgo is very much about discernment, and as the moon appears dark in tonight's sky, this theme of simplifying and clarifying gives us an opportunity to eliminate negative patterns once and for all.

With five planets in retrograde, we are encouraged to take a deep dive into the self to understand the implications of the plans we’ve begun to manifest. Saturn–the planet of old ways, rules, and regulations– opposes Mercury, creating potential challenges, especially when it comes to receiving the facts. Be mindful of your health, both physical and emotional, and make sure you gather all the correct information to increase control in these areas–you know yourself, your body, and your voice are your own. As Neptune opposes the moon and sun in Virgo, we are being called upon to soften into our intuition, especially when the truth seems clouded.

Imagine a future You is holding their arms out to you. It is time to step into them NOW. We hold the keys to massive creative energy. As long as we remain conscious, we can endeavor to be the change we want to see in the world.

To assist you in setting strong and effective intentions I’ve provided channeled New Moon mantras for each sign to contemplate. Say your intention three times aloud on the new moon and carry them with you into the month.


You want validation that your instincts are correct.

Mantra: "In the quiet, I realize I am always right because I listen. It’s all okay because I am me."


You want good news to further your freedom.

Mantra: “I transform my reality when I receive what’s in front of me.”


You want to move past tumultuous times.

Mantra: “With each exhale, I direct this ship towards calm and sparkling waters.”


You want to feel in control.

Mantra: “I stand centered in a glowing white pillar of strength, from here I can do anything.”


You want to get out of your box and feel like you’re not trying.

Mantra: “Magic happens when I am my most authentic self. I relinquish control.”


You want to feel clear with a strong foundation.

Mantra: “I hold all the knowledge of the universe within me so I always know exactly what to do.”


You want to clarify your desires.

Mantra: “I am a conduit of energy, whatever I desire happens instantly.”


You want to feel sure about your choices.

Mantra: "I change when I listen to nature. The beginning is a stunning place to be.”


You want the fair outcome for you and your loved ones.

Mantra: “Because I am incarnated as myself, I always hold the right answer.”


You want to step into the vision you had of yourself long ago.

Mantra: “I call myself back into my body.”


You want to get away from stuck people and stuck energy.

Mantra: “I am rich in this life because I know where I came from.”


You want to detach from the mindsets of the past.

Mantra: “I am never confused when I follow my heart.”

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