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Your August Horoscopes

With two supermoons on the 1st and the 30th illuminating the bountiful momentum of Leo season, it’s now time for you to use the energy available to shake your mane and claim your sovereignty.

August Horoscopes Tarot Reading

Hi Coveteur, I’m your Resident Astrologer Harriet. I’m a clairvoyant tarot reader, practicing witch, and glamour girl from New York City, currently living and conjuring in Los Angeles.

No matter how lost or overwhelmed we may feel, my work has shown me time and again that everything is connected and corresponds. These horoscopes are written to show your connection to everything and all and empower you to live your most glamorous, luxurious, and dynamic life—not just on a material level but on every level of your being.

The way I work is I sit in meditation and pull a tarot card for each sign, asking spirit to bring a clear and accurate message for the month ahead. With the card I receive, while taking into account the current astrological temperature, I then channel a horoscope that hopefully resonates and assists you on your journey.

It’s very fitting to drop these horoscopes as the full moon shines in Aquarius, marking the first of two supermoons in August. These lunations occur on the 1st and the 30th of this month, creating a portal which even further illuminates the concept of Leo season; a time when fruit is at its ripest and flowers are opened to their maximum. So, much like nature bursting forth to show her juicy bounty, it’s now time for you to use the energy available to shake your mane and claim your sovereignty.

Interestingly, this concept of pleasure and bounty available to us now happens during a Venus Retrograde. Venus, the planet that governs how we give and receive love in the world, retreats and appears to move backwards in the sky. Many of us are moving through big changes that impact our material life and more importantly, the enjoyment we’re able to receive from it. While retrogrades are associated with inconveniences and snafus, I encourage you to view this Venus Retrograde as an opportunity to examine the influences that keep you from experiencing joy.

Allegories of an active solar influence making love with a receptive Venusian energy are as old as time, their union creating the sparks of life. So when Venus retreats, what does this mean for you? Basically, we’re experiencing a major energetic shift highlighted by our relationships and/or our place in the world. Because Venus rules our wants and desires you may find the influences that have held you back from materializing them get highlighted this season, illustrating what you need to walk away from in order to receive the love and adoration you deserve. The good news is we stand between these immense and magical moons this month! Anytime we find ourselves in a liminal place, change occurs, so this is a very powerful time to cleanse and renew.

Find your horoscope below to see how this planetary energy will affect your sign. Feel free to read your Sun, Moon, and Rising, as they may provide different insights into any shifts you may be experiencing.

Aries: Sevens of Wands

The Seven of Wands says a new strength is pushing you upwards toward the goals you set a long time ago. Relationships of your past relied heavily on how you were perceived by others—and how easily you were uplifted or discouraged by their opinions. As the Zodiac’s baby, you love so purely and can bloom, then wilt like a flower; however, this month marks a powerful shift.

You are autonomous now, and you can feel yourself growing taller in the August sun, as just the purity of who you are is enough now. Watch limits diminish as you burn away worry. This confidence you’re receiving charts a whole new future: Keep going. You’re not at the beginning, but you’re mid-journey and the real heights are yet ahead.

Taurus: The Tower

Everything you’ve been trying to hold together, like family dynamics or pursuits at work, come to a head this month. Even though it may be uncomfortable, you are faced with the reality of your situation. This will feel like a lightbulb switching on as you realize it’s not how much effort you put into holding it all together, but rather the freedom of living in faith. Faith is not a religious concept, it's a very real frequency that is the prerequisite to all action in the world. Without faith, nothing would ever get created. You are being called to rely on this now because you know how to manifest; so many of your dreams have already come true. So now, with illusions effectively destroyed and a new terrain in front of you, trust that you can rely on yourself. The faith you have in yourself is a compass that will never steer you wrong.

Gemini: The Chariot, Reversed

The Chariot card reversed says you may feel stuck this month and like you need to make a move but can’t. Perhaps this feeling of inertia is tied to outside influences, or perhaps it signifies a refusal of going any further on your part if you’re feeling tired and fed up—as if you’d like someone else to take the wheel for once! This month, the nightmare scenarios can diminish and recede into the distance only if you allow yourself to succumb to a natural rhythm. If you can find your connection to the stars above and nature below—reminding you that you’re a mass of buzzing cells seated on a planet that spins between—you’re consistently reminded that everything moves and nothing is stuck. This awareness is all you need right now, so you can confidently choose which direction to go in next.

Cancer: Four of Cups

You may find yourself feeling more emotionally stable this month because you are integrating all that has happened so far this summer. You may be counting the ways in which some relationships have fulfilled your expectations while others haven’t. You are surveying with an observant eye.

It’s not wrong to take stock; however, there’s a risk that in qualifying one relationship over another, you end up taking love itself for granted. This may be the reason that the love you want, which is more expansive than anything you’ve experienced so far, seems as if it’s at an impossible distance. By focusing on what you have, you open yourself up to the love you deserve, and the worries of how to “get something” become meaningless. The Four of Cups affirms that love is all around you, so when you feel yourself wanting more, look at your blessings straight on, and in turn, all the closed doors will open.

Leo: The Magician, Reversed

You have everything you need in front of you to create instantly. You have the place, the will, the ideas, and you have the love around you. But there’s still a lingering feeling like you have a rope around your ankle that keeps tugging you back from creating the life you want in your exact vision.

As you reflect on this past year during your birthday month, you may recognize that between the good things that have happened, time was wasted with bouts of depression. As you are illuminated by the Sun in your sign now, you are encouraged to set aside emotions because creativity is an active principle that isn’t reliant on how you feel but on what is. The Magician is connected above and below to pure energy and he’s simply a channel; that is how he is able to so flawlessly create and manifest every time.

Virgo: Two of Cups

Two of Cups is the card of love. This month, you may find that there is a special person in your life, whether they be romantic or platonic, who feeds your soul as much as you feed theirs in return. This reciprocity of feelings and ideas breeds creation, so feel good about the new place you find yourself in over the coming months.

Because of your logical side, you may feel out of control when good things are happening, but you’re encouraged to pause and allow doubts to cycle through—perhaps even sharing your fears with those you love the most. You’ll find that everything is fine and moving exactly as it should. At the end of our lives, we don’t remember the things we bought or the opportunities we’ve gained or lost. All we remember is the love and the experiences that resulted from that love, so enjoy making memories this month that will last a lifetime.

Libra: Knight of Cups, Reversed

The Knight of Cups Reversed indicates that plans you’re making may feel held up this month and like they’re not flowing in the way you would like. This may be due to an outside influence who’s unsure about what they’re doing or something within you that’s been hesitant from the start.

Either way, you’re encouraged to get back in touch with your intuition to avoid any obstacles from happening again in the future. By returning to a childlike state of the imagination, you remember what you really wanted when you were young (although you’ve achieved much of it), and there’s more love to discover in front of you. There’s actually a whole new chapter, and you know exactly how it’s gonna go, just like you did when you were a child.

Scorpio: The Hermit

As a Scorpio, you hold so much mystery within you, things you haven’t shared that help you get by, and this month, you’ll find yourself in a position to drop the cloak and expose what’s in your heart because others really look up to you and the knowledge you’ve acquired on your journey thus far.

The Hermit is an indication of new beginnings– not in the way a baby is born, new and clean, but out of years of wisdom attained from living life. Your scars are settling into something beautiful and you’re finding your platform to share this wisdom, thereby connecting others and fulfilling your true purpose on this planet: to heal the world by tearing down constructs. You’re a revolutionary because of what you’ve been through, and your impact is bigger than you know. Bask in your own light.

Sagittarius: Page of Wands

It’s clear you are trying to create something. An idea that has been formulated for some time is budding to the surface of material reality, and even though you are only at the beginning, you may feel exhausted, like you’ve been pushing forward with it for months with no payoff. You are not engaging in a failure mindset when it comes to this venture, instead letting go completely and allowing nature to take its course–growing this seed into a tree that will bear colorful and delicious fruit that you’ll eat from for the rest of your life.

This month, you may feel conflicted over who is going to help you take this venture to the next level, and perhaps you’re feeling pulled in multiple directions. Stay true to the integrity and virtue this idea brings. You are the artist painting a picture, so flow with creativity and your personal principles, and your tree will grow.

Capricorn: Ten of Pentacles. Reversed

The Ten of Pentacles reversed indicates that you’re forgetting what you’re capable of, most likely because of family and the way you’ve been set up for success or failure. The money is so close you can taste it, but tensions from the past seem to be informing you of what you’re capable of in the present, and it simply isn’t so.

Let your guard down and allow yourself to be vulnerable this month. You’ll realize the road to success was never easy, but would it taste as sweet if it was? By detaching from the idea of hardship, whether it’s your own or ones that belong to ancestry, you get out of your own way, and gold rains from the sky.

Aquarius: King of Cups

Finding an emotional center this month, you embody someone who is able to be all places at once, an entity of love who isn’t swayed by the tides but is rather the embodiment of the tide itself. You move in response to the moon and the universe that surrounds you.

Feeling comfortable in yourself this month, you’ll realize that your health suffers whenever you’re not in this state of connection. This means you have an unshakable will that literally has the power to heal. Now that you’re able to stay centered and healthy, you can experience the health of your relationships, bank account, and life growing fruitful and robust. I see that even though you may be confident in your powers, teamwork is essential, and–much like the tide with a connection to the moon and her cycles–goals get achieved seamlessly when the team works together.

Pisces: Six of Swords, Reversed

You may feel pulled back toward scenarios and conversations that you’ve had again and again. This repetition can feel disruptive, especially if you’re trying to make moves forward, but this time, acknowledge the courage it takes to return back into a dark cave in order to illuminate it with light.

You may never receive the words of validation you want from certain people (because they’re incapable). Instead of investing your energy in reading between the lines, you now return to these conversations with clarity and know that your way forward isn’t dependent on anyone’s opinions but your own. Success, luxury, and abundance are in front of you, so tying up loose ends will allow you to enjoy these pleasures that much more.

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