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So You Have an Almond Mom

Getting her a gift for Mother’s Day will be easier (and cheaper) than unpacking all of your childhood trauma.

Gift Guide
Yolanda Hadid

Yolanda Hadid, 1986

Getty Image

If you have an almond mom and can’t figure out what to get her for Mother’s Day, you've come to the right place. For the uninitiated, an almond mom is focused on plant-based high-protein salads, early morning pilates, weekly blowouts, fad diets, and athleisure. Often seen as a tad overbearing and maybe even toxic, many of them are simply health-conscious moms with a touch of neurosis, striving to ensure their kids have a well-rounded diet. (Think of Yolanda Hadid advising Gigi to “have a couple of almonds and chew them really well” when her daughter was feeling ill.)

While we can't help with the sheer panic induced by the question, "Do you want to see the dessert menu?" (that's a job for a therapist), we can help with a gift. Below, we’ve curated a list that even your almond mom will love.

Pantry Items

No almond mom gift guide is complete without Spanish almonds sourced from Erewhon. An almond mom loves to buy curated pantry items, so it’s hard to go wrong with adding these to her collection.

Irish Sea Moss

Happier Grocery

Beauty Tools

While you may have a beauty gadget graveyard gathering dust beneath your sink (as my face steamer, red light therapy mask, and high-frequency wand can attest), the almond mom stands out as a diligent user of her beauty devices. She stands by her skincare rituals and eagerly welcomes the addition of a microcurrent device or infrared mask to her repertoire—she’s always on top of current trends (micro or otherwise).

Alaskan Cold Plunge Tub

Redwood Outdoors


It’s a given that every mom adores a pampering session, but these treatments have been hand-picked with the almond mom in mind. From a lymphatic drainage massage (because they’re perpetually on a detox quest), to a workout for your facial muscles, this gift is an easy crowd-pleaser.

Skincare Products

Beauty is the beacon guiding their wellness journey, the essence of their self-care rituals, and the epitome of their aesthetic aspirations. But it's not just about appearances—it's about embodying a holistic lifestyle with a touch of indulgence. So, whether they're finding the perfect dry brush or discovering the latest wrinkle eraser that doesn’t involve needles, the pursuit of beauty is an integral part of the almond mom lifestyle.

The Cure

Suite Reyad

For the Home

Since many almond moms lean towards making meals from scratch for that coveted visibility into every step (a touch of neurosis comes with the territory), these are all great choices.

Part of the series:

Gift Guide

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