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The Floors in This Surrey Home Are Made of Actual Gold

And yet, it’s surprisingly comfortable! In collaboration with Huggle.

The Floors in This Surrey Home Are Made of Actual Gold

There are many, many ways to do statement-making homes. You could go all out with color and pattern, or look for a glass-walled cabin by the sea. You could let a renowned interior designer have her way with the space, or invite all your designer friends to make pieces for your downtown loft. Or, if you’re Valerie Stark, you could design a massive garden with a greenhouse, a grotto, a cinema with the softest fur throws on pillowy couches for your friends to lounge on, and an *actual* spa that’s better than most of the professional ones we visit.

Stark’s Surrey home has all of those things—it’s huge and rambling, with more surprise rooms and delightful elements than we can list—but more than anything, it’s comfortable. Think massive-entryway-closet-with-shearling-slippers-in-every-size-for-your-guests comfortable.

By now you’ve heard all about the Huggle founder’s app, and you’ve delved deep into her closet, but if you’re anything like us, you’re probably dying to see the rest of that massive home. Well, the time has come!

Click through to (finally!) get the full tour of her space.

“The bar was 100% inspired by 5 Hertford Street, LouLou’s club. I went there when they just opened and was staring at a similar bar. It was like staring into a fire, it fascinated me! I tried to take a picture, but because it is a membership club, they said no. I had to call a few different designers to find out who made it. I thought it was a nice touch in the cinema. You don’t want to have something too bright because when there’s a screening, you don’t want to distract people from it. It looks great."
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