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Our Makeup Trick for Gorgeous Winter Skin

Plus, the 11 best formulas on the market right now.

cream blush
Being a beauty editor, there’s obviously no shortage of makeup products in my bathroom at home. You name it, I’ve slathered it all over my face. Still, people are always surprised when I tell them that the one makeup staple I adore above all others is blush. Call me crazy, but some expertly applied blush is one of the easiest ways to take your complexion from tired and sad to invigorated and radiant. Think about how amazing you look after you go for a run or, you know…hang out with your partner. That flush is courtesy of all the additional blood flow happening beneath the skin and the subsequent boost of oxygen.

Sadly, it’s not always feasible to incorporate a workout into your makeup routine every morning, which is why blush has been my go-to product for years. And not just any blush either—cream blush. It melts into your skin like a dream, perfectly mimicking the texture, and considering dry skin is a constant menace this time of year, a cream formula is essential for achieving the dewy look that I love. Even Alexx Mayo, the makeup artist for Lizzo, recently revealed that he, too, loves a cream blush. “Even if you don’t wear any makeup at all, it gives the most natural glow to the skin. It gives color and helps you look awake.” And so I rest my case—if it’s good enough for Lizzo, it’s good enough for me. Check out a few of my favorites cream blushes below.

Shiseido Minimalist Whipped Powder Blush in Setsuko, $29
There’s so much bounce in the formulation of this blush, it’s crazy. I dab a fingerprint amount onto the apples of my cheeks and blend it outward with a damp sponge. The Setsuko rose shade looks gorgeous on any skin tone—trust me, I’ve forced enough friends to try it to know.
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