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We Tried 7 of the Most Popular Detox Products on Amazon

At-home cupping, those crazy footpads, and yes, the tea.

7 most popular detox products on amazon

Trying out a new “detox” can conjure about a variety of responses. Your Western doctor friends will love to remind you that that word doesn’t really mean anything. Your Kardashian-obsessed co-worker will tell you about the detox tea she swears by. Your mom will worry you’re talking about Fen Phen. But a bunch of Coveteur staffers were genuinely curious about a handful of simple and safe-looking detox products that get lots of buzz and pretty strong reviews on Amazon to boot. We gave them a spin, and this is what we thought.

Ingestible Clay: “I don’t really do detoxes or diets. I barely ever indulge in health crazes because I’ve always been a firm believer in just eating healthy, working out, and doing whatever makes you feel best. That being said, I was intrigued when I heard that eating clay was apparently a great way to cleanse. I had a really hard time eating it, though, because just the concept of it being clay and the texture really freaked me out. I’m not sure if maybe it was a mental block I had created or the product itself, but it really upset my stomach, and I felt sick instead of detoxed. From now on the only time I’ll be using clay is to create pottery—which I am also admittedly not great at, but I feel it’s a better alternative to ingesting it.” —Tara Gonzalez
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