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A Forward-Thinking Jewelry Line Designed by a Trio of Male Models

Aethera’s debut collection features an all-silver lineup of starburst studs and safety pin necklaces.

A Forward-Thinking Jewelry Line Designed by a Trio of Male Models

After tiring from the limited scope of modeling, posing for the camera to fulfill the artistic visions of others, Lane Hitt found himself itching for a project that would allow him to express himself. He met his future co-founder John VanBeber at a Ford Models industry party (they quickly became roommates), and soon after, the pair met Zachary Mirabelli (also signed to Ford) at the gym. The three of them agreed on a few things: they were more creative than their work would allow and were looking to use their talent and connections to make something big. “The whole brand really came together in the sauna,” says Hitt.

(L-R): Zachary Mirabelli, John VanBeber, Lane Hitt

The result of that fateful sweat session? Aethera, a design brand with bold ambitions, launching this month with a collection of silver jewelry. The founders felt collectively drawn to the potential and wearability of jewelry, its gender-fluid qualities, and the “creativity and freedom” of its design. The debut collection is futuristic and edgy, defined by sharp edges and designed for “high street” wearability. The pieces reflect the style of all three models, all of whom draw inspiration from New York streetwear. VanBeber, who gravitates toward what he calls “Dune garments—apocalyptic, like overdrawn Rick Owens silhouettes,” is influenced by both the menswear and womenswear he models. He hopes Aethera can “break boundaries” and exist outside of the gender binary.

"We didn't want to just spearhead and make a men's-exclusive jewelry brand—we wanted to touch both sides and make it feel more unisex,” Mirabelli explains. The brand name reflects this intent, the Welsh prefix “aether” symbolizes the celestial and ethereal realm, while “era” combines the active and logical characterization of doing. Hitt said they hope the jewelry has “that same intentionality; that anybody who's wearing a piece is inspired to seek balance within.”

Drew Jessup/Studio 109

The logo, designed by VanBeber, is a bursting star with seven repeated triangular orientations to show the balance in its asymmetry and nod to the seven letters in the name Aethera. Its meaning is multifaceted: “It's a spark, a pulse, a snowflake, a star,” says VanBeber.

The founders hope to eventually expand from jewelry into multiple areas of design—they’re teasing a sunglasses launch later in the year, as well as a foray into bespoke fashion pieces for high-profile clients and red-carpet events. Down the road, they’d like to move into categories like custom furniture. “We are hoping to move toward one-of-one custom things,” says VanBeber, painting a picture of his ideal future for the brand. “We may be doing 10 couches one year, and then we may do some ice cream scoopers or a motorcycle—[the] sky's the limit.”

Aethera launched May 21 with a treasure hunt, planting all 16 pieces of its initial collection around Manhattan under Aethera stickers for followers to find using clues posted on Instagram. According to Hitt, the trio hopes that in wearing their designs, first and foremost, “people can express themselves—that people can just feel sexy.”

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