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Help Your Hair Color Last Longer with an At-Home Gloss

Shop 8 of our must-have formulas.

hair gloss
It’s been almost two months since we’ve gone into quarantine, and let’s be honest, we’re getting concerned about our hair color. The typical six-to-eight weeks between appointments—depending on what type of process your colorist does—is a distant memory by now, even if you were fortunate enough to sneak into the salon before social distancing went into effect. Luckily, you can maintain what’s left of your color at home, even if you’re not ready to attempt an at-home dye job (more on that soon). A hair gloss can help revive your existing color and bring it back to its former brilliance without the risk of a full coloring session. Says celebrity colorist Jenna Perry, “[a gloss] is not breaking into the hair cuticle, it’s just coating it, which is what makes the hair really shiny. It’s more translucent [than full color].”

dpHUE Color Boosting Gloss + Deep Conditioning Treatment, $35 $28
There are 11 different colors in this hair gloss collection, which means you can target your specific shade and tone while also boosting your hair’s hydration. The formula is also sulfate and paraben free.
Part of the series:


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