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Workout Like A Victoria’s Secret Angel

Adriana Lima’s trainer shows us how.


"Holding onto hand weights bring the arms together and cross one arm over the other. Open arms enough to switch the crossover arm."

We have to admit, there’s nothing quite like a parade of gorgeous and impossibly flawless models walking down a sparkly runway in nothing more than lacey, diamond-encrusted lingerie and a set of wings—and the surplus of pre-show workout sessions posted on their respective Instagrams and Snapchats—that gives us some extra fitness motivation this time of year. But because we’re not ones for winging (pun intended) it all on our own, we actually went right to the source. As in, the trainers who are responsible for getting VS-alum Adriana Lima, Constance Jablonski and Romee Strijd ready for what is conceivably the most watched runway show ever, co-founders Michael Olajide and Leila Fazel of NYC’s Aerospace HPC. (FYI: the Angels flock—again, pun totally intended—to Aerospace’s annual Supermodel Training camp for four intense days of custom boxing-focused workouts ahead of casting calls.) And, because, oh, you know, we can’t go to the exclusive boot camp ourselves, we pretty much harassed them to give us some moves we can do at home. 



Move #1

Basic Squat


"Keeping the chest up, bend knees and lower into a deep squat. Keep the weight in the heels and the knees behind the toes." 


"Keeping the chest up, bend knees and lower into a deep squat. Keep the weight in the heels and the knees behind the toes."


Move #2

Basic Jump to Downhill


"The basic jump is the foundation of building on jump rope. The key is to keep the wrists moving and let the feet follow. It's important to only jump once per rotation and to land on the ball of the feet. The wrists are the motors and the quads and calves are the shock absorbers.It is not necessary to jump high, just enough to clear the rope. Transition to downhill, a lateral movement just like skiing, by jumping side to side—still landing on the ball of the feet."



"The basic jump is the foundation of building on jump rope. The key is to keep the wrists moving and let the feet follow. It's important to only jump once per rotation and to land on the ball of the feet. The wrists are the motors and the quads and calves are the shock absorbers.It is not necessary to jump high, just enough to clear the rope. Transition to downhill, a lateral movement just like skiing, by jumping side to side—still landing on the ball of the feet."


Move #3

Boxer stance squat


"In boxer stance, on the ball of the back foot, bend knees into a deep squat.  Weight should be between both legs and keep the chest up as you squat and straighten back up."



"In boxer stance, on the ball of the back foot, bend knees into a deep squat.  Weight should be between both legs and keep the chest up as you squat and straighten back up."


Move #4



"Stepping forward on one leg into a lunge and touch hand weights together under the front leg.  Keep the chest up and put all the work into the legs and glutes. Return the same leg to starting position and step forward on other leg."


AerospaceMOVE #4: LUNGES

"Stepping forward on one leg into a lunge and touch hand weights together under the front leg.  Keep the chest up and put all the work into the legs and glutes. Return the same leg to starting position and step forward on other leg."


Move #5

Jump Changes


"Starting in a lunge position with weights touching under the front leg, spring up from the ground and switch legs landing in lunge with other leg forward and weights touching under the leg."



"Starting in a lunge position with weights touching under the front leg, spring up from the ground and switch legs landing in lunge with other leg forward and weights touching under the leg."


Move #6



"Holding onto hand weights bring the arms together and cross one arm over the other. Open arms enough to switch the crossover arm."


AerospaceMOVE #6: DELTONERS 

"Holding onto hand weights bring the arms together and cross one arm over the other. Open arms enough to switch the crossover arm."


Move #7



"Standing on one leg with the other bent back, put hand weights on either side of the toes.  Bend standing leg as deep as possible keeping the knee behind the toes and straighten back up."


AerospaceMOVE #7: AEROFLY 

"Standing on one leg with the other bent back, put hand weights on either side of the toes.  Bend standing leg as deep as possible keeping the knee behind the toes and straighten back up."


Move #8



"With hand on either side of the toes, drop glutes low towards heels and lift heels keeping the weight on the ball of the feet. As you straighten the knees, lift the toes."


AerospaceMOVE #8: AEROFLY

"With hand on either side of the toes, drop glutes low towards heels and lift heels keeping the weight on the ball of the feet. As you straighten the knees, lift the toes."


Move #9

Side Squat


"Step to the side with one leg into a deep squat and bring the same leg back into a deep squat with legs together. Repeat with other leg." 

AerospaceMOVE #9: SIDE SQUAT 

"Step to the side with one leg into a deep squat and bring the same leg back into a deep squat with legs together. Repeat with other leg."


Move #10

Jack Squat


"Jump with both feet and open legs so when you land you are in a deep squat.  Spring back up bringing both legs in and landing in deep squat with legs together." 

AerospaceMOVE #10: JACK SQUAT 

"Jump with both feet and open legs so when you land you are in a deep squat.  Spring back up bringing both legs in and landing in deep squat with legs together."

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