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Sculpt Your Midsection While Lying Down

The lazy unite.

Sculpt Your Midsection While Lying Down
Move #2

Diamond Push

"Start by pulling the flesh away from your sit bones and getting set in a locked position. Abs should be firing here and your chin should be pulled away from your chest. Open your legs into a diamond shape with the bottoms of your feet touching. Arms will be out to the side with your palms facing up. As you inhale extend the legs out and contract the abs as your body goes back. As you pull those diamond shaped knees into your chest you will exhale. Your abs should be feeling crazy here! The key is to go slow and really keep that brain attached to the core!"

Here’s the thing (and we’re pretty sure you can relate): fitting in a workout is about as far up on our list of priorities as making a full-fledged dinner after a reallllly long day, sometimes. But when a workout doesn’t even require us to get off the floor (where we often find ourselves post said long day—no judgments, guys, okay?) talking ourselves out of it sounds ridiculous. Cue Natalie Uhling, the trainer who first showed us that not-for-the-lazy-girl jump rope workout, and who, this time around, gave in and broke down the five ways we strengthen our cores without so much as standing up. And guys, we love her for it.


Move #1

Elbow Thread


"Start in a basic plank position. Make sure your core it tight. Start by taking your right hand and place it behind your ear, like the starting position in a basic sit up. Keeping those hips level, drive your right elbow up towards the sky, and then slowly close your hips off while connection the right elbow to the left elbow. You will be moving through the mid line of your body and really activating those abs! Make sure to work both sides of the body."


Move #1

Elbow Thread

Start in a basic plank position. Make sure your core it tight. Start by taking your right hand and place it behind your ear, like the starting position in a basic sit up. Keeping those hips level, drive your right elbow up towards the sky, and then slowly close your hips off while connection the right elbow to the left elbow. You will be moving through the mid line of your body and really activating those abs! Make sure to work both sides of the body."


Move #2

Diamond Push


"Start by pulling the flesh away from your sit bones and getting set in a locked position. Abs should be firing here and your chin should be pulled away from your chest. Open your legs into a diamond shape with the bottoms of your feet touching. Arms will be out to the side with your palms facing up. As you inhale extend the legs out and contract the abs as your body goes back. As you pull those diamond shaped knees into your chest you will exhale. Your abs should be feeling crazy here! The key is to go slow and really keep that brain attached to the core!"


Move #2

Diamond Push

"Start by pulling the flesh away from your sit bones and getting set in a locked position. Abs should be firing here and your chin should be pulled away from your chest. Open your legs into a diamond shape with the bottoms of your feet touching. Arms will be out to the side with your palms facing up. As you inhale extend the legs out and contract the abs as your body goes back. As you pull those diamond shaped knees into your chest you will exhale. Your abs should be feeling crazy here! The key is to go slow and really keep that brain attached to the core!"


Move #3

Mermaid Open Close


"Start by pulling the flesh away from your sit bones and getting set in a locked position. Abs should be firing here and your chin should be pulled away from your chest. Taking both arms place them behind your back as a support system. Try not to use your upper body to do the work but let the arms help you maintain good posture. Pull both knees into the chest then slowly take both legs to one side of the body engaging the oblique muscles. Your knees should stay glued together. As you shift your legs to one side, extend your legs out while firing in the oblique muscle and then slowly bring those legs back to the starting position. Make sure to rotate side to side so you hit both the right and left oblique."


Move #3

Mermaid Open Close

"Start by pulling the flesh away from your sit bones and getting set in a locked position. Abs should be firing here and your chin should be pulled away from your chest. Taking both arms place them behind your back as a support system. Try not to use your upper body to do the work but let the arms help you maintain good posture. Pull both knees into the chest then slowly take both legs to one side of the body engaging the oblique muscles. Your knees should stay glued together. As you shift your legs to one side, extend your legs out while firing in the oblique muscle and then slowly bring those legs back to the starting position. Make sure to rotate side to side so you hit both the right and left oblique."


Move #4

Reverse V-UP


"Start on your bottom in a seated position. Take both arms behind the back and make sure the hands are facing the body. Slowly push yourself into a bridge position really squeezing the glutes. As you slowly lower, take the arms and legs into a V-UP position. Your abs are going to go crazy here! Make sure to go slow so that you get that extra burn. Remember quality not quantity."


Move #4

Reverse V-UP

"Start on your bottom in a seated position. Take both arms behind the back and make sure the hands are facing the body. Slowly push yourself into a bridge position really squeezing the glutes. As you slowly lower, take the arms and legs into a V-UP position. Your abs are going to go crazy here! Make sure to go slow so that you get that extra burn. Remember quality not quantity."


Move #5



"Start by lying on your back in a basic sit up position. Hands behind both ears. As you inhale, shoot both legs out to the side making a "X" shape. As you exhale, squeeze the abs and pull those legs back together in a criss cross position."


Move #5


"Start by lying on your back in a basic sit up position. Hands behind both ears. As you inhale, shoot both legs out to the side making a "X" shape. As you exhale, squeeze the abs and pull those legs back together in a criss cross position."

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