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Aloe Juice 101

Is sipping instead of slathering this green goop actually healthy?

Aloe Juice 101

Cue the harrowing eye roll, we're sending in another neoteric health hang-up in the form of a gelatinous glob potion. Just when you decipher the difference between a detox and a diet, the transitional wellness tides have pumped out another miracle ingredient that have silenced your chia seed smoothie— aloe juice. And yes, you’ve been slathering and not sucking-back this commodity for far too long. It's time to relinquish that myriad of green ingredient juices because Aloe is making a major case for all things healthy.

We’re not implying that you excavate your succulent coffee table centerpiece — you’ll likely find bottled up aloe at your nearest vegan, gluten-free sanctuary. Trust us when we say surrendering your next skinny tea cleanse to a cacti will bequeath onto you the same benefits you’ve been pining for.

So to ensure that you're on a precise wellness path, celebrity nutritionist (she’s curated meals for Drew Barrymore, Kerry Washington and Reese Witherspoon — NBD) and New York Times bestseller, Kimberly Snyder, sat down with us to talk health benefits and how to incorporate it into your already superfood-filled life.

On the health benefits of aloe…
“Aloe vera juice is known for its abilities to aid in digestion, boost overall immune function, address uncomfortable stomach bloat, and sometimes is thought to result in weight loss. It may also help to cleanse the body of toxins and facilitate the absorption of nutrients.

Aloe vera gel also contains two hormones: Auxin and Gibberellins. These two hormones provide wound healing and anti-inflammatory properties that reduce skin inflammation.”

On aloe’s beauty benefits…
“Aloe vera gel (the same kind that’s infused into any aloe vera juice) has been shown effective in treating a variety of skin conditions, like moisturizing dry skin, treating various cosmetic problems, addressing dry itchy scalp, etc.

Because it may help cleanse acids and wastes from the digestive system, the beauty benefits that may result include more youthful, glowing skin (as a buildup of wastes may contribute to accelerated aging in different ways), better nutrient absorption and overall higher energy. Any detoxifying food, such as aloe juice, is going to help improve your overall beauty — not just better skin, but brighter eyes and over time, healthier hair."

On why moderation is key…
“I use aloe vera juice sparingly. Every morning I start with warm water and lemon, but sometimes I like to switch it up and add apple cider vinegar and some organic aloe vera.

Since Aloe vera juice contains Aloin, a compound that is commonly used in laxatives, this may cause digestive complications and diarrhea. As with any new food, it is important to introduce it slowly into one’s diet and see the reaction, before introducing higher and more regular amounts.”

On what to expect when trying aloe for the first time…
“Aloe has somewhat a bitter taste. When mixed with other ingredients it can tone down the acidity, and balance the flavor nicely.”

The Glowing Green Smoothie

“You can basically add anything to it! By adding aloe vera juice you are giving your smoothie a kick that can assist the GGS in regulating your digestive track.”


1 1/2 cups water
1 head organic romaine lettuce, chopped
3 to 4 stalks organic celery
1/2 head of a large bunch or 3/4 of a small bunch of spinach
1 organic apple, cored and chopped
1 organic pear, cored and chopped
1 organic banana
Juice of 1/2 fresh organic lemon
2-3 tablespoons of fresh aloe vera juice (adjust quantity for individual taste and depending on whether you have introduced aloevera already into your diet)

Optional: 1/3 bunch organic cilantro and 1/3 bunch organic parsley



Made up of about 70 percent green vegetables and 30 percent fruit, this smoothie helps you eat far more greens than you ordinarily could. Because we blend the greens and fruit for easy digestion, your body is able to absorb more of the vitamins and minerals without working so hard. Thanks to all its nutrients and fiber, the smoothie is incredibly filling, so it keeps you from reaching for that midmorning second cup of coffee and that bagel you really didn't want to eat.

Add water and chopped head of romaine to blender. Blend at a low speed until smooth.

Add spinach, celery, apple, and pear, and blend at high speed.

Add cilantro and parsley (which help chelate heavy metals from your body).

Finish with banana and lemon.

- Sarah Harris

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