#Firenze4Ever Style Lab

In which we run around the streets of Florence with clothes that cost six months' rent.

Remember that time we took a quick trip Florence for Luisa Via Roma's #Firenze4Ever?? No? Okay. See:  here.

So… now that we’re all on the same page, allow us to continue. Amidst lunches at Roberto Cavalli’s and feasting in a hillside winery, we worked. A lot; we swear. When we got word about our  Style Lab, we were all “HUH? What’s that?” and sat confused, scratching our heads for, like, a good few days. A little homework session later of past Firenze events and the whole thing became clear. We immediately called upon our small-but-mighty stylist/art direction pal, Declan Chan to lend his expert hand in the wardrobe department. And with our handsome photog, Jake behind the lens, it was pretty much a dream duo.

We went a little – how do we put this? – cray at the store pulling everything from a $2000 pair of Giuseppe Zanotti combat boots to a $13,000 Fausto Puglisi tartan frock. Hey, who’s counting? With the theme being “glam grunge” (like, whatever that's supposed to mean), we were lucky to have a badasss model who was all inked up (sleeves, chest and even her inner lip!) and pierced the way we only dreamt of doing as angsty, rebellious teenagers. We skipped the whole pretty-girl-in-front-of-the-Duomo-thing and went for some less touristy, more unconventional places. Let’s just say the rest is history! Until next year?
