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An Insider's Guide to Zurich's Surprisingly Vibrant and Diverse Art Scene

Forget the rigid business stereotype of Zurich. The city has so much more to offer.

An Insider's Guide to Zurich's Surprisingly Vibrant and Diverse Art Scene
Courtesy of Dolder Grand

To many, Zurich conjures a buttoned-up image—financiers in suits, impeccably sanitized streets, and expensive designer stores to satisfy the city’s affluent population. However, Zurich isn’t just banks and boutiques; there’s a creative scene that’s growing every day. An array of innovative and diverse artists, curators, and galleries are shaking up the city's uptight reputation.

Tibetan-Swiss curator Lhaga Koondhor is a force in Zurich’s art scene, exploring diverse counter-culture voices and the deconstruction of privilege. Working with some of Switzerland’s largest cultural institutions, Koondhor is elevating emerging talent. A former nightlife impresario, she knows the best art spaces to explore during the day and where the creative set lets loose at night. Here are the city's art spaces and artists the tastemaker recommends checking out:

Courtesy of Karma International

Founded by Marina Olsen and Karolina Dankow in 2009, Karma International is one of Zurich’s most dynamic art institutions, renowned for displaying boundary-pushing artists like James Bantone, Sylvie Fleury, and Judith Bernstein. The gallery curates exhibitions across various mediums, including painting, sculpture, and video, that resonate with societal and cultural shifts. Karma International has a strong global presence, participating in international art fairs and a second location in Los Angeles from 2015 to 2020. “No one is more glamorous and international than these two gallery owners,” says Koondhor. “They’re always showcasing a great mix of international and local artists with outstanding young contemporary talent in their repertoire.”

Courtesy of Löwenbrau Kunst

Löwenbräu-Areal is an internationally acclaimed art hub located in a massive brick building on Zurich’s Limmatstrasse. Spanning four floors, it features galleries, exhibitions, events, and screenings, giving visitors the perfect overview of Zurich’s contribution to global art. There’s always something happening at Löwenbräu-Areal, and if you meet the right people, you might find yourself in the basement, which has a speakeasy bar/club frequented by the local art scene.

Award-winning filmmaker and performance artist Wu Tsang examines themes of gender identity and marginalized communities in her work. In 2019, Tsang became the director in residence at the Schauspielhaus Zürich, where she creates immersive experiences for theatergoers delving into hidden histories and amplifying underrepresented voices. “With her collaborative and poetic outlook in her work, she’s enriched the Zurich art landscape,” says Koondhor. “She’s surrounded herself with a crew of incredibly talented people and brought their skills to Zurich’s Schauspielhaus.”

Kronenhalle is one of Zurich’s most esteemed dining destinations, where traditional Swiss cuisine is served in a space filled with dozens of masterpieces including artworks by Chagall and Picasso. You can enjoy dishes like Zurich veal and Mistkratzerli (roast baby chicken) in the restaurant, then cap off your evening with an impeccably crafted cocktail at the adjacent Kronenhalle Bar. A fan favorite of this interconnected space is the fumoir (smoking room) above the bar which requires a code to enter. “It’s a legendary spot,” says Koondhor. “We’ve had many group gatherings here after exhibitor openings, and there’s a phone where you dial 911 and get your cocktails delivered directly to the fumoir.”

During the summer of 2023, Koondhor co-launched a unique social art space, Clubhaus, reminiscent of the past era of art salons at Zurich's most renowned art institution, Kunsthaus. Clubhaus was a restaurant and contemporary art group exhibition with a livestream capturing art enthusiasts exploring the artworks on display. The feed gave online viewers a chance to feel in on the action even if they couldn’t visit Clubhaus. The next step of this initiative is the Clubhaus Malerbuch, a book of drawings compiled by Koondhor and artist Shamiran Istifan. The book serves as a contemporary capsule echoing the historic ‘Malerbuch’’ by Kunsthaus Zürich. While the previous edition captured the works of white men almost exclusively, this edition will feature 100 artists representing a variety of cultures, identities, and, of course, the women absent in the first publication. “We have a new perspective and want to show people who the hottest artists in Zurich are right now,” says Koondhor.

Courtesy of Dolder Grand

Courtesy of Dolder Grand

If you’re looking for somewhere to stay, book a room at The Dolder Grand. With over 100 artworks from 90 artists and panoramic views of Lake Zurich and the Swiss Alps, The Dolder Grand is a luxurious and visually stimulating five-star option. No need to queue up for a museum when you can walk out of your room to see masterpieces by Keith Haring, Murakami, and Salvador Dali. If you need to unwind from Zurich’s many art happenings, the property also has a sprawling spa with pools, saunas, and a snow room to cool off.

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