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The Facial Oil That Salvaged My Hangover Skin

Save me from myself.

The Facial Oil That Salvaged My Hangover Skin
Alec Kugler
As much as I LOVE beauty products (if only you could see my hoarder bathroom), I’ve never been very interested in facial oils, especially in place of a traditional moisturizer. Give me a tub of whipped luxury cream, and I’m good to go. Still, I’ve heard rumors throughout the beauty community of the be-all, end-all oil that could potentially change my mind. Vintner’s Daughter has such a monumental reputation as the holy grail of skin care that I secretly wanted to discover it was all a clever hoax. Instead I soon found myself slathering on half a dropper of the yellowish oil with cultlike devotion.

By using it at the end of my typical Sunday spa routine, I couldn’t accurately gauge if my glowing skin was due to using the Vintner’s or just the result of using 10+ products on my face like I was icing a three-layer cake. But because I am a dedicated journalist (and at times recklessly irresponsible), I proceeded to drink far too much Jameson on a Monday evening and woke up the next day feeling… unprepared to work around other human beings. Although I did remember to remove my makeup before passing out falling asleep, I was fully expecting to arrive at the office looking fifty shades of rough. Cue Vintner’s Daughter and its organic blend of active botanicals to the rescue. My skin was even, dewy, moisturized, and I even had a random stranger on the train—in notoriously harsh lighting—compliment my complexion. I consider that a win!

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