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Amal Clooney & Katy Perry Had an Intense De-Puffing Facial Massage Before the Met Gala

Behind the scenes with the fashion industry’s go-to same-day facialist, Thuyen Nguyen.

celebrity met gala skin prep

When celebs lie down for a facial with Thuyen Nguyen, they know they’re about to enjoy one last hour of relaxation before the craziness of hair, makeup, and wardrobe ensues. Nguyen, who has become a go-to for Michelle Williams, Jennifer Aniston, and Uma Thurman, and is known for turning hotel beds into impromptu spas—so his clients often nap while he massages their faces for their red carpet debut.

At this year’s Met Gala, the former masseuse turned skin magician was tasked with de-puffing the visage of co-chair Amal Clooney, in addition to Katy Perry and Cindy Crawford…and a few others. Here, Nguyen took us behind the scenes as he ran from one Upper East Side hotel to the next to give Hollywood’s best a heavenly glow.

“Katy was scheduled for noon, but she needed a little extra time, so I went to grab a Mister Softee cone from an ice cream truck on the street. I usually don’t eat between appointments, because I’m all about getting the job done. If I eat I’ll just get tired, so I just bang it out, like a marathon.
“Katy’s on tour until August; that poor thing just goes and goes. But one thing I love about Katy is that even if she has a whole entourage of assistants, she always asks if I’m hungry. Katy is so grounded. She’s not one of those who gets lost in the pressure or the craziness. I credit that to her meditation.
“I use the Pro-7 Age Defying Serum on her a lot. And the Smooth Out Wrinkle & Frown Line Cream, because she gets really dehydrated from flying.
“A lot of time there are so many dresses: the red carpet dress, the inside-the-Met dress, and the after-party dress. It’s confusing, and I never know exactly which one my clients are wearing. Jamie was telling me that Katy had some kind of big wings and how they got a Rolls Royce to carry them in, separate of Katy. They had to figure out a way for her to get the wings on before her arrival time on the red carpet.”
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