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Stylist & Fashion Publicist Lilly Sisto Packed Bright Colors & Lots of Linen for 1 Week in India

A glimpse inside her suitcase.

Stylist & Fashion Publicist Lilly Sisto Packed Bright Colors & Lots of Linen for 1 Week in India

Few endeavors rival the plight of packing a suitcase, particularly for those hyper-concerned with personal presentation. In our new series Case by Case,, we painstakingly investigate how stylish creatives pack for various locations. Sparing no detail, fashion publicist and stylistLilly Sisto gives us a peek inside her suitcase following her recent trip to Jaipur, India.

Destination: Jaipur, India

Duration: 1 Week

Season/Climate: Warm!

Traveling By: Air

Checking A Bag? Yes

Packing Medium: “I usually only ever travel with a carry-on but knew I was going to need more space for all my purchases, so this time I brought the big Paravel checked bag and also the large Longchamp because it folds up for going there and then you can check it on the way back.”

Process: “I have recently turned into a packing cube girl, and I will never be the same. It helps me stay super organized the entire trip. I also roll everything because it creates more space and makes for a much more efficient process. Packing cubes also makes it much easier when you are staying in more than one place. We did three different hotels, so I never truly unpacked and left everything in the cubes.”

Extra Purchases: “SO MUCH. I was in block-print heaven and went crazy at every store. From pajamas to napkins to makeup pouches—you name it, I bought it. Plus, I got a gift for every person on my list.”

Laundry? “I don't, but I always pack an extra lingerie bag to put my laundry in so it's separate from all my clean clothes. And it makes it easier when I get home and throw that bag right in the wash.”

Plan Your Outfits Ahead? “I pick them out in my head but never really lay them out—always wing it on the spot!”

Case by Case Breakdown

Carry On:

  • I always bring a huge carry-on bag and keep all the essentials
  • J.Crew cashmere wrap
  • Cashmere socks
  • Eye mask
  • Headphones
  • Advil/Tums/Anti Nausea/Liquid IV
  • Camera
  • Extra sweater in case I am cold

“I knew that It was going to be hot, so I pulled out mostly all of my summer items. I also knew that I needed to dress more conservatively, so I brought a lot of long dresses and long skirts. I always pack for the number of days I am there and then include a couple of extra pieces just in case. I also always wear the thickest or chunkiest item on the plane to save weight and space.”

Checked Bag:

  • 4 dresses for day time and 2 for nighttime
  • 2 pairs of linen pants and 1 pair of silk
  • 1 silk and 1 cotton skirt and 1 really special lace one from Tory Burch
  • 3 silk tops
  • 4 T-shirts/tank tops
  • 2 pairs of pajamas
  • 1 extra travel outfit for traveling home
  • 1 pair of sneakers, 2 pairs of sandals, 2 pairs of velvet Mary Janes
  • 4 pairs of socks

Toiletry Bag(s)

“I have gotten the packing of my toiletries down to an art! I have four separate bags.”

  1. With all my skincare, contacts & glasses
  2. All hair products
  3. Toothbrush, toothpaste, and floss
  4. Makeup (I don't wear much makeup, especially not on vacation, but I packed tinted moisturizer, bronzer, concealer, blush, and highlighter.)

“My favorite are the Roller Rabbit cases because they are lined, so if anything spills, it's no big deal. I also love the liberty print cases from Bon Dep.”

Final Verdict: “I would say I wore about 85% of what I brought. I think anytime I pack a checked bag I always end up overpacking because there is a mindset that I have more room!”

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