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5 Ways to Survive a Workday & Avoid That 3 PM Slump

The most relatable news this week.

3 pm work slump
No one is immune to the life-sucking 3:00 PM slump that sneaks up on you midweek. It’ll drain you after a particularly intense week of meetings and deadlines, or tempt you to reach for anything with sugar as its main ingredient in the depths of a mind-numbing nine-to-five. It’s only partly counteracted by a cup full of caffeine—but you’ll risk being up all night waiting for the buzz to wear off. So how *do* we recover or downright avoid that moment of a lull? We’ve put together our survival kit of sorts below.

Get a Good Night’s Sleep

Not to state the obvious, but if you’re getting tired and losing focus before the end of the day, it’s probably because you’re not catching enough z’s. Clear off your after-work calendar, make a good home-cooked meal (or have the Seamless waiting for you when you get home—we don’t judge), and practice a real bedtime ritual to make sure you’re going into REM.


Sounds intense, we know. But Silicon Valley execs have been relying on a few completely natural ways to level up their productivity. This includes things like blocking blue light, intermittent fasting, and the crazy drink Soylent—click the link above to read the whole article we put together. It’s really not as crazy as it sounds—and, honestly, you might already be doing some of them.

Eat a Balanced Breakfast

Yeah, yeah, yeah, this isn’t new either. But we wouldn’t keep harping on about the importance of a good first meal if you actually listened. No, a pastry with your coffee does not count. Instead, take a page out of the nutritionist handbook and eat what they eat in the AM—they are the healthiest people we know.

A Case for Working Out in the Morning

Exercising has a laundry list of benefits, but we won’t keep you here to go through them all. The most important for the sake of this article: It gives you energy. Move your workouts to the mornings, and reap the benefits of the residual endorphins all day long.

Don’t Overdose on Sugar; Go for These Snacks Instead

Not sure about you, but the temptation for a sugary and delicious treat reaches fever pitch midday. Instead of going for the platter of homemade cookies your colleague brought in, stock your desk drawer with healthy, vitamin-packed snacks instead.

Photo: Shot on site at 6 Columbus, a Sixty Hotel. On Jonelle: Dress, Jonathan Simkhai; Necklace, Baker & Black; Earrings, Paige Novick; Shoes, Dior; Hair, Angela Soto.

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