Theme Song: “Push It” by Salt-N-Pepa
Cocktail: Long Island Iced Tea
Hangover Cure: Time
Did someone say Friendsgiving? You may want to get your holiday invitations ready early, because the Taurus full moon in your social sector on the 4th has the perfect vibe for a big gathering. The good times keep rolling for the rest of the month, especially when Venus meets up with Jupiter in your pleasure zone on the 13th to send you a day that’s for fun only. Call out of work or take a vacation day, because it’s the perfect moment for playing hooky and doing whatever the hell you want. Under the Scorpio new moon on the 18th, you vow to spend 2018 having lots more days like it. When the sun enters Sagittarius on the 21st, you start upgrading your daily routine for good. Hit the gym, restock your pantry, and give yourself the planner of your dreams. You’re way ahead of the game, Cancer!
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