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These Are the Best Workouts to Do Hungover

We swear they’ll make you feel better.

These Are the Best Workouts to Do Hungover

When you wake up the morning after having one (or two or three) too many tequila shots, the last thing you want to do is move your body. In fact, the only thing you want to do is shut the blinds, binge something on Netflix, and order whatever kind of bagel Seamless can make appear on your doorstep in under 30 minutes. However, not shockingly, a little movement is just what you need.

Devastating as it may be to admit, the #1 best cure for a hangover is time. Time for your body to re-hydrate, re-stabalize blood sugar levels, eliminate toxins, stimulate the liver, and reduce lingering inflammation—all major bodily processes that overdoing it on sugary cocktails throws out of whack. When you add a little movement into your day, it helps your body speed up several of these processes, meaning less time required to get back to normal.

This doesn’t mean book it to the first boxing or crossfit class you can get into. You want to find something that will boost detoxification, but that won’t cause excess dehydration or a potential injury, considering you may not be in your tippest toppest shape. Not to mention something that doesn’t involve jumping, flashing lights, and/or deafeningly loud music.

That said, we’ve pulled together some of the best workouts to do hungover. Just promise us you’ll keep refilling your water bottle (bonus points for coconut water!) and refuel afterwards with something that has plenty of veggies and healthy fats?


Spend a few extra minutes twisting and upside down if possible to help boost detoxification and blood flow, and avoid anything heated. Your body is trying to replenish fluids, not lose them by the buckets.



A nice sculpting class is not only going to help metabolize that alcohol quicker, stabilize the body’s inflammatory responses, and rev up that’s also likely one of the most tolerable workouts in your current condition. Think bari micro, modelfit, or Physique57.



If you have access to a pool or the ocean, get in the water. Weightless, refreshing, blood-flowing, you’ll feel like a new person after 10 minutes of splashing around.



"Shorten your stride, increase the stride rate (or cadence), and exaggerate the arm swing while climbing a hill. Proper hill technique promotes good form and builds strength specifically in the quads, glutes, and calves."

While we don’t recommend a Barry’s Bootcamp or SoulCycle on this particular day, a steady-paced jog or bike session can get you sweating and hit the reset button. Take it outside for some fresh air and sunlight, or hit the gym to test out both machines.

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