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April 2017 Horoscopes: Libra


April 2017 Horoscopes: Libra
Hannah Becker

Venus is your sign’s patron, so these past few weeks of Venus retrograde have probably got you feeling slightly off-balance. Things get much better on the 2nd when Venus retrograde shifts into your daily grind sector. You can spin that energy into making your everyday routine way more beautiful than it is now. Want a more nutritious diet or a different exercise regimen? Now’s the time to put it into practice! It’s also a great time to break out the sticky notes and start organizing. You feel like a new person under the Libra new moon on the 11th, and once Venus is direct again on the 15th, your life will look so much better.

By the time Venus enters your love sector on the 28th, you might even feel spicy enough to invite someone new into your freshly cleaned space! There’s only one problem: Mercury will be retrograde in your seventh and eighth houses this month, and both of them have to do with relationships. If an ex texts you, do NOT text them back unless you’re really, really sure about it. This period is also famous for starting on-again, off-again whirlwind, so bear that in mind too. Your best bet? Take it slow until next month. Don’t say we didn’t warn you.

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