Are You Attending Umpteen Spring Weddings?
Here are some dresses to assuage the panic you’re feeling about finding something to wear to them.

Weird confession time! I, like, I’m guessing, most of you, have a seemingly endless parade of weddings that I’m meant to attend this spring and summer. So many that I’ve essentially resigned myself to the fact that all my money and vacation time will be consumed by weddings. Here’s the confession part: despite the fact that the first of these weddings isn’t until the beginning of May, I’ve spent the past two weeks obsessively looking for dresses. Embarrassingly, I’ve sent my boyfriend (who I’m dragging along to these myriad events and is therefore my disinterested sounding board) masses of emails with links to what might be every dress on the internet. To which he invariably responds, “You’re gonna have to narrow this down for me.”
Anyway, I don’t know if it’s too early to have a panic attack about what I’m wearing to a bunch of spring and summer weddings, where, for all but one, I’m at best a second-tier guest. But I am, and at this point I have looked at a buttload of dresses.
During this process, I’ve come to two conclusions. One is that, even though couples seem to love confusing us with dress codes like “creative black tie!” or “black tie optional” (WTF is that, though?!) or “nautical cocktail” or something ridiculous like that, there really are only two possible dress codes that all of these bizarre names can be lumped into: cocktail or black tie. The second thing is that, secretly (am I allowed to admit this?), I don’t want to blend in at these weddings and “let the bride shine.” The bride is wearing a white ball gown—she’ll shine no matter what fashion situation I end up putting myself in. The fact is, the chance so rarely comes along where I actually get to dress up, that I want to take advantage of the occasion, goddamnit. Thus, I’m cutting out anything black and navy blue or gray—anything that reads *boring* or *winter*.
So here’s the best of what I’ve gathered just in case you have similar “but what do I wear” feelings as me (because, let’s be honest, weddings are really all about the guests’ dresses—says the unmarried asshole). These are my favorite standout dresses at a range of prices. Now I just need to narrow it down…
The cocktail wedding, to me, means a lot of freedom. As in, you can pretty much wear what you want without veering into bathing suit coverup—within reason (i.e., merch up anything too casual with glam accessories). That said, I’m into something floral and fashion-y for a spring wedding (and other *F* words like fun and flirty). A dress that says “I’m cute, but I know my spring runways (and how to party).”
Black Tie
Black tie is hard. Like, really, really hard. It’s hard not to veer into cheesy prom territory. It’s hard not to wear a classic black or navy dress—which, let’s be honest, always looks chic. One of my friends had the cojones to make her dress code black tie and add a parenthetical note to female guests encouraging prints and color (love you, girl). I’m taking it as a challenge. Plus, it’s more fun not to wear my navy fall-back.