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Tour the SoHo Fine Jewelry HQ that Doubles as Damien Hirst’s Office

Santa Monica-based Hoorsenbuhs just made a power move in NYC.

Tour the SoHo Fine Jewelry HQ that Doubles as Damien Hirst’s Office
Alec Kugler

Up until meeting Robert Keith and Kether Parker, the creative director and his partner slash brand ambassador, respectively, our mental image of the jewelry line Hoorsenbuhs was somewhat staid and formal. In our mind’s eye, it was an old-school luxury brand that was more classic than anything. Boy were we wrong!

What we found were the two friendliest self-described “L.A. guys” there ever were, who welcomed us to their newly opened Soho shop with a hug and a big, grill-decked grin. The pair gives off a best-buddy vibe that sucks you in and makes you want to buy in to the special brand of relaxed opulence they’re offering. And it would seem we arent the only ones who feel this way—fans of the brand include Rihanna, the Olsens, Kanye, and Jay Z. They also share their space with none other than their pal Damien Hirst. While we were shooting, massive works of art were being delivered and brought downstairs.

The space itself is also pretty close to a work of art. Every single piece was designed by Keith (down to the bolts) and reflects elements from the brand’s lexicon. That gigantic chain hanging from the ceiling, through the display case? It reflects their signature chain link. The chairs? Those are slightly reimagined versions of their classic Phantom rings.

To get to the point, there was more than enough to take in, which is why we photographed every. single. detail. of the brand’s space. Click through below to read about how it all started, and just how they came to meet Damien Hirst.


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“[Soho] is the best neighborhood. It has the rich history of the galleries, the art. I mean, this is the center of it all. The center of the universe. We also have a connection with this neighborhood because this is where we started. Back in the day, Kether and I were basically just Los Angeles guys, and with some nudging from our friends who worked at The Row who said, ‘You’ve got to come out to [show your line]—just get a room at The Mercer [hotel].’ So we did. And that’s where it started.” —Robert
“The Mercer has been the only place that we've done business as a brand. We don't do the traditional jewelry shows; we don't do couture. Or the jewelry convention. We'd come here once a year, during Fashion Week in September, and we meet people at the Mercer. So the fact that we ended up two blocks away was a really cool moment. We have a good anchor in this area.” —Kether
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