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Buy One of Everything You Love in Velvet Right Now

All-velvet-everything will get you through the holidays and the rest of the winter.

Buy One of Everything You Love in Velvet Right Now

It’ll be a miracle if you make it from now to 2017 not in a perpetual state of hungover. It seems as though from Thanksgiving to New Year’s Eve every year there’s a solid month of dinners, drinks, and parties. If it isn’t a holiday party, it’s an engagement, celebratory dinner, or drinks that you must have before everyone leaves town. If it isn’t Art Basel, it’s a new exhibition opening back home, not to mention the yearly birthdays that you can’t let feel neglected just because they fall in the busiest time of year.

We have some recommendations on what to wear to make it impossible to not be feeling yourself—figuratively and literally—no matter what your plans are. You’ve got to grab one of everything in velvet. As we saw plenty of ’90s trends make their way through summer and fall—silk slip dresses over white t-shirts and chokers—velvet is just what you need to make it through a socially taxing holiday season. Regular or crushed, consider everything in velvet for your best looks and staying warm.



For better or worse, the office holiday party is the one time of year where every single one of your co-workers can get to know the real you. You will kill late-night karaoke in this. And if this is too good for your office party, you can definitely wear it to someone else’s.



Date night! (People still have those, right?) We have news: If you’re feeling yourself, it’s likely somebody else is going to want to feel you, too. Obviously confidence is key, but this crushed velvet bodysuit sure won’t hurt either.



Surely, one of your fashionably inept male cousins will make a smart-ass comment from across the holiday ham at the family dinner, but you can impress all of your aunts, uncles, and other cousins and tell them your pants are Rihanna and Puma right before you ask him where he picked up those square-toed dress shoes he wears every year.



These are Uber-everywhere footwear, especially if there is snow on the ground, but they’re the go-to footwear choice when there is a sudden, must-celebrate situation.



On the last night out with the squad before everyone heads to their families’ homes for the holidays, a perfect handbag will be required. This one, by Loewe, is beyond perfect.



You can wear your velvet coat every day until the end of (winter) time, because this is truly what dreams and your best reality are made of.

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