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Hair-of-the-Dog Cocktails That Won’t Let You Down

The ultimate hangover helpers.

Hair-of-the-Dog Cocktails That Won’t Let You Down

Chances are you made some not-so-great decisions last night and you’re feeling the effects of it right about now. We get it, as we may or may not be in the exact same boat—looking back, things got pretty fuzzy after the third glass of champagne and the fourth shot of tequila (whoops!). ’Tis the season, as they say, and now that Friday and Saturday are behind us, it’s time to focus on shaping up for the week ahead in order to make it to our 86th (or so it seems) holiday party this week. We’re firm believers in the “hair of the dog” approach to hangovers, which means curing them by way of, you guessed it, more alcohol. And it’s exactly why this Sunday afternoon we’ll be sipping on one (or all) of the below cocktails. Join us?







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