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What the Brady Bunch Home Would Look Like in 2017

This L.A. home is the perfect embodiment of vintage California style.

What the Brady Bunch Home Would Look Like in 2017
Kate Hollowell

When somebody mentions to us that their home resembles the Brady Bunch house (with a modern twist), we automatically envision a whole lot of wood, some exposed brick, and a majorly retro vibe. The somebody in this case is Claire Thomas, the founder of Kitchy Kitchen and co-founder of Sweet Laurel Bakery, and when we rolled up to her Sherman Oaks home one Wednesday afternoon, we realized she was spot-on with her description. Her home (which she completely redid with her husband) is a modern-day version of the Brady Bunch home without all the shag carpet because, uh, 2017.

Of course Thomas’ kitchen caught our eye right off the bat (it’s where she does all of her production)—it was so insanely bright and beautiful that we wanted to start cooking right then and there. But what really makes Thomas’ home special is all its quirky accents—from a reupholstered poker table to a fireplace with built-in planters (no, really), to a cobalt blue and hot pink bathroom, it felt like we were on a new adventure with every corner we turned. See it all for yourselves by clicking through the gallery below.

“I always go crazy in powder rooms because it [is] the one place that doesn’t really affect your return on investment. If you sell the house, no one is going to not buy the house because of the powder room. [It’s] inspired by my mother-in-law, who always has hot pink lipstick and blue eyeliner on—she loves it because it is so loud and fun and an aggressive use of color. All of the bathroom vanities are the least expensive Home Depot ones I could find that just got repainted and [had] nice hardware added. The vanity in my bathroom is actually Ikea kitchen drawer sets.”
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