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A Summery Take on Business Casual

Three style formulas for summer that can take you from the office AC to the subway without breaking a sweat.

Style Equations
Street Style Images
Photos (L-R): Valentina Frugiuele/Getty Images; Christian Vierig/Getty Images; Edward Berthelot/Getty Images

Once summer rolls around, getting dressed can prove challenging; as temps near triple digits, layers sound less and less enticing. Nowhere does this pose a greater challenge than at the office. Stuffy tailoring, blister-inducing heels, and thick wool have never seemed less appealing. That said, a tank top and denim cut-offs is, unfortunately, a no-go for most corporate spaces. So what does that leave? In our recent research, it seems key elements are breezy silhouettes (think dresses, wide-leg shorts, and trousers) and lightweight materials, namely linen and cotton. Below, we’ve assembled three styling formulas to carry you to the office and beyond no matter the summer weather.

Matching Tailored Set + Fisherman Sandals

Photo: Valentina Frugiuele/Getty Images

A matching set often proves its practicality in spades—it has the outfit-in-itself quality of dress but can be broken into separates as well. Opt for a pairing with a tailored effect. A fisherman sandal is the perfect addition, as it almost passes for a closed-toe.

White Shirtdress + Blazer + Loafers

Photo: Christian Vierig/Getty Images

Most of us have something along the lines of a shirtdress hanging in our closet. For the office (and its corresponding frigid air conditioning), add a lightweight blazer. Socks and loafers keep the overall effect professional yet youthful.

Midi Dress + Duster + Short Heels

Photo: Edward Berthelot/Getty Images

Add a dose of professionalism to a printed slip dress with any form of linen outerwear—no wool materials, please. A closed-toe pump keeps the sultry silhouette of the dress from skewing too casual.

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