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June 2018 Horoscopes: Leo


June 2018 Horoscopes: Leo
Hannah Becker

As one of the zodiac’s most extroverted signs, you shine when you’re in a group of people. That’s especially true when social Mercury aligns with the high-profile sun in your connections sector on the 5th to give your reputation a major boost. The Gemini new moon in the same area of your horoscope on the 13th means those contacts could turn into long-term friends and collaborators, so offer to take them out for coffee and see where it leads! Charming Venus goes into your sign that day too, so the feeling’s sure to be mutual. Next, be sure to schedule in some quiet time to recharge on the 21st when the sun moves into your sleepy twelfth house. You’ll want to be well rested once feisty Mars starts its retrograde phase in your relationships zone on the 26th, instigating plenty of drama from now until August. The Capricorn full moon in your health zone reminds you that good habits are your best defense, and Mercury into your sign on the 29th helps you persuade any difficult bosses or friends to take your side. 

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