As the zodiac’s CEO, Capricorn has a reputation for being incredibly hardworking. Still, even CEOs have to take vacations sometimes! When the Sagittarius full moon illuminates your sleepy twelfth house, take a little time off to recover from all the extra time you’ve put in. No one will judge you for needing to rest and recuperate, we promise! If you can’t find the time, there’s a chance the universe will step in when the sun in your health zone opposes Saturn in your relaxation sector. Burnout is real, and you’ve got to acknowledge it sooner or later. Our best advice? Under the Cancer new moon, lean on your significant other, best friend, or other support network to take care of you. They’ll be happy to do it, especially if it means you’ll be back to 100% soon. The world needs you at your best, Capricorn, so if that means tucking in and watching every episode of the new season of House of Cards, then by all means, do it!
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