The One Piece of Beauty Advice This Actress Lives By
Inbar Lavi won’t cut her hair during one particular week of the month, for a very good reason.

For those of you who have seen the TV series Imposters, you’ll be familiar with the beauty that is Inbar Lavi. For those of you who have yet to watch it, we suggest you do so immediately. Lavi, who’s been putting on performances since she was little, gushes that her role as Maddie on Imposters was a dream come true—and so was our shoot with her. It was a highlight for us too—hanging out, playing with her adorable pup, and dancing and sipping on coffee (tough 9-to-5, we know). Between outfit changes and a few requisite Polaroid shots, we chatted with the actress about her red carpet tips, how she stays healthy on the road, and her skincare routine.
How she first fell in love with acting:
“I grew up in a house where my parents weren’t really getting along and there was a lot of fighting, and the only times they would kind of shut up [laughs] and relax would be when I would put on little skits—sing, dance, and perform for them, and tell elaborate, imaginary stories. One of the home videos that we have is of me putting on a play where I’m different characters—I play the mom, the kid, a bird. It’s really embarrassing—if anyone ever finds that tape I’m doomed. But then, you know, it’s funny how life ends up giving you what you manifested.”
What it was like to play Maddie on Imposters:
“I’ve always been drawn to any character that I can’t quite figure out, and with Maddie there are so many conflicts. There was just enough room in her mystery that I couldn’t really understand—and I don’t think that I do till now—that made me really fall in love with her. As the season progressed, I understood more of her and I fell even more in love with her—it really became a lot easier to fall into her shoes.
“This role has been such a dream come true. I’m a little overwhelmed even talking about it, I can’t believe that I was able to con everybody into let[ting] me get this [laughs]. I get to play all these different women and I’m desperately in love with this girl who is so messed up and so complicated and flawed and different and interesting and wonderful. I have to say, that’s a dream role right there.”
On how she gets into role:
“In order for me to play any kind of role, I do a lot of research and I try to really dissect the character from A to Z—really understand what makes her tick and what her hobbies would be, who her best friends would be, where she grew up, and why she is the way that she is. What is she craving in life? What, ultimately, is her big passion in life? What’s missing in her life? All those questions I would have to have the answers to before I even try and attack a scene and words and lines. All of that is secondary.”
On maintaining a good work/life balance:
“I’m still figuring that out. It’s not easy, but just like any career that you are passionate about, you’re going to put your heart and soul into it and sometimes your personal life can take a back seat—but if you’re lucky, you’re able to combine the two together. In other words, I don’t wait for a project to end for my life to begin. I try to take every day on set as a wonderful roller coaster and experience for my life, and every person I meet on set is a new friend and a new exciting chapter. I’m really lucky, I get to travel around a lot for my work, and that’s all a part of my life—I don’t really separate the two. I try to combine them together so that I don’t miss out on stuff.”
How she stays healthy on the road:
“I consider my body my temple and everything that I put in my body is my fuel and it’s what will ultimately bring out whatever result I want for my work, life, and for my headspace. I try to eat very healthy and I exercise regularly. I do a lot of pilates—that keeps me grounded and keeps my breath in the right place. I have good friends, a good support system. Those are my tricks.”
Breaking down her skincare routine:
“I think that our skin needs to breathe naturally. I use [Epicuren] aloe vera on my face, it’s natural. The [lotion] that I use is amazing, it’s Avene, and that’s all I use on my face—that and the aloe vera—morning and night. And then the one thing I can never live without is my Alba Rejuvenating Papaya Mango Body Cream, it’s amazing! Oh my god! First of all, who doesn’t want to smell like papaya? I smell like a fruit punch all day and it makes your skin so smooth and glowy—I swear by it.”
How she prepares for red carpet moments:
“Oh man, I try to breathe. It’s so funny, it really shouldn’t be so stressful, but it is. You do your best to look good and feel good in that moment and then you get there and the flashes are so bright, you never really know what angle they’re going to use and you hope your boob isn’t hanging out, you know? I usually hire hair and makeup to make me look like I woke up that way [laughs], and then I always have some kind of wonderful stylist that can help me out and take care of all of it. The final thing is to have some good music playing in the background, light up some candles, and just breathe through it and get ready in the most chill, relaxing way.”
The best piece of advice she’s ever received:
“My aunt, who is a hairdresser, once told me to never cut my hair when I’m on my period [laughs]. Literally every month, I come up to her and I go, ‘Hey! I want some bangs!’ Or, ‘Hey, let’s chop off all my hair and give me a bob! That sounds smart!’ And every time, she won’t do it. I can beg and I can plead, and she goes, finish your period, finish your hormonal stage, then we can talk about it. And then it never fails, whenever I’m done with it, I’m always so happy she didn’t let me do it.”