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The Victoria's Secret Fashion Show

In 60 Seconds

The Victoria's Secret Fashion Show
You’ve seen our snaps from the show (refresh yourself) and now we’re pleased to give you an exclusive sneak peek video of the Victoria’s Secret Fashion Show. As you can imagine, there is plenty of pink, an overload of air kisses and flirtatious winks, a ton of feathers (we’re still picking them out of our hair), that $2.5 million bra, Rihanna, Bruno Mars and yes, Justin Bieber for all you Beliebers. Alessandra, Miranda, Doutzen, Adriana and every Angel in between certainly showed their love for Jake’s camera and he couldn’t have been more in heaven. You’ve waited with baited breath for long enough and now without further ado, we give you the Victoria’s Secret Fashion Show… in 60 seconds!
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