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15 Moisturizing Body Washes for Crazy-Soft Skin


shop moisturizing body wash
This is an apology letter to something we often overlook when it comes to skin care—our bodies. We’re sorry we often overlook you while our faces our regularly pampered with serums and oils galore. Don’t forget that the skin is our largest organ, and the majority of that isn’t part of our complexion. Your arms, legs, and everything in between can suffer from dryness and congestion, too. But even if you’ve ignored the majority of your skin lately, there’s luckily an easy fix—a rich body wash. They can work wonders for irritation and are great multi-tankers, both cleansing and moisturizing for visibly healthier skin. Our favorites contain a unique blend of natural oils and emollients that leave the entire dermis looking radiant and fresh.

If you’re looking for a two-for-one deal that allows you to moisturize in the shower and skip the lotion, check out our 15 favorite hydrating body washes below.

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